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Tattoo & permanent make-up & microblading removal

PhiRemoval is the safest and fastest non-surgical treatment to reliably remove unwanted permanent make-up, unwanted microbladings and tattoos.
All colors, camouflage, titanium dioxide and iron oxides can be removed.
The technique was created with great love for the skin. Since the ultimate goal is to keep the skin healthy.

You will receive a starter set worth 535.50 euros.

The tattoo removal training PhiRemoval is aimed at (also in training) PMU and microblading artists as well as tattoo artists. Of course, graduates from other companies can also take part in the training.
It is important that you have experience in permanent make-up, microblading, needling or tattooing.
The PhiRemoval product can only be purchased after prior training.

The concept:
learn the safe technique to achieve the best results and keep the skin condition top healthy

Choose the type of training that is perfect for you:
With online training, you can complete the training worldwide and at any time at your own pace.

In live training through a very intensive one-day training session.
After the theoretical part, all of our techniques will be shown on the demonstration model by your Master Nicole. All processes and many important details are explained step by step.
The participants then work on the models in order to correctly implement the techniques they have learned and to gain confidence.

Both trainings (live & online) offer you a subsequent six-month Craftmaster application with daily support.
